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It’s so important to relax

It’s getting to the latter part of summer. Some people are clinging to every last sunshine moment, and some here in the USA are already buckling down to work. Americans take very little vacation time, and often it’s several long weekends rather a continuous few weeks. In European countries, people get 4 to 6 weeks. Having taken a week in June and then one now in August, it’s hit home again how important it is for our health, outlook, and physical and emotional resilience to take 2 or 3 weeks one or two times per year. If we don’t, besides affecting our health, we forget how to relax, and so do our bodies!
For the last several months, I’ve been trying to lose some weight I gained when I was first editing the book to send it out. I couldn’t get anywhere. Then, when vacationing with my two best high school buddies, even though we ate desserts and drank wine for days, I lost a bit! When you are stressed your body holds onto calories, fearing that the next crisis will be lack of food right when you need the fuel. The only way I’m going to be able to lose the weight is to have enough down time that my system can turn off from full-steam-ahead for a bit.
I also notice that my optimism and patience improve, as well as being able to see more options when confronted with a situation.
So take advantage of these last wonderful weeks of summer. It’ll benefit you all year.

Terrible or not, difficult or not, the only thing that is beautiful,
noble, religious and mystical is to be happy.
–Arnaud Desjardins

Here’s the beautiful cover:

I’m so excited now to get it on the shelves! Stay tuned for the launch date!
Please pass this on to anyone you think would benefit from the book. thanks!