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Light is Needed In These Times

Breathe. Come back to your body. If you’re shocked and grieving you’re not alone. Give yourself time to be with your emotions. Take the time to care for yourself. Do not hold yourself in aloneness. We need to be connected with each other. Then we need to get to work more than ever, together.

Your higher self chose to be here at this time. Remember why you’re here. Ask your Guides for direction. They are involved in this crucial experiment, that of homo sapiens’ place on earth. Many entities are watching. Many are trying to help, if we only listen.

For those of us working to lift the level of human awareness, to help humanity evolve, to help heal Gaia, we are here to help inculcate the lessons of Covid – that we’re all in this together; that we must learn to treat all beings - human and other - as valuable and vital to the wellbeing of all; and that we must stop thoughtlessly destroying our home. How we treat each other is how we treat the earth. The social, cultural crises we face are inter-twined with the physical ones. The clear message is that deep change is necessary, and now is the time.

This is when the doing our work is vital. If you’re struggling with despair about the future, now is the time to do your psychological/spiritual work. Resolving our past pain, fear, and beliefs about the world opens the space to ground solidly and energetically, to center and be in our higher self, and have the resilience to weather the storms to come. Our relation to our emotional state is precisely what we have most real  control over in this life. We need to keep our energies positive and loving. Love is the creative force of the universe. Love is the energy within all cells. That’s not blank space. It’s creative energy. Insist on raising your energy. Don’t let tyrants and selfish bigots control you.

As troubling as the present moment is, it is part of a larger plan. Entities have been presaging this crisis for years. The United States election is not the only thing happening in the Universe, or even in the energies of Earth. We are evolving. We are carving a path to humans being an integral part of All-That-Is, giving and receiving within the intricate complexities of life on this planet.

The future is not written in stone. Events that look inevitable will change depending on the energies engaged with. So don’t get stuck in gloom-and-doom prognostications. Use your ability to change your energy to improve future possibilities. Learn to listen to your Guides. They have been saying that the future will be unpredictable and dependent on the responses of humanity. We are not alone. We are not isolated amidst senseless objects. We are part of an alive, interacting and interconnecting world being. We need to start acting like it.

Our individual efforts are incredibly valuable. They change the energy of the collective and open new possibilities as to what is possible. They bring more Light to the world. Constantly raising the energy helps Gaia. It’s our job to help her.

Take care of yourself and each other. Gather together.Then do something. Eight billion people can make all the change we need, if we all do something. Help Gaia.